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Best Dermatologists UK

Dr Anjali Mahto:

“The patients who come to see me feel like they’ve tried everything,’ says Mahto. ‘They’ve spent a lot of money on medical-grade skincare, they’ve done lots of in-clinic treatments – but nothing is working.’ Fear not. The consultant dermatologist may be as sharp as a tack but she’s also sympathetic, having been on her own journey with chronic acne. Her approach takes into account the severity and type of acne suffered. (For the comedonal variety, she prescribes a course of peels, while the cystic requires a more inside-out approach.) However, she also invites dialogue. ‘Some patients don’t want to take oral medication,’ says Mahto. ‘So it’s critical we ascertain their boundaries right from the start.’ As for her own boundaries, her shiny new Harley Street premises are set to open any day. A series of enormous, light-filled rooms bristling with the latest in Sciton laser technology – for resurfacing and softening the appearance of scarring – they will also host her latest recruits: a crack team of visiting practitioners, from dieticians and gynaecologists to clinical psychologists. ‘Some of my patients are going through IVF, or they’re freezing their eggs, or they’re menopausal,’ says Mahto. ‘And just as important as treating their skin is managing their psychological health.”